Monday, January 19, 2009

Lazy weekend

We really did not do much this weekend. Matthew did not have school on Friday because it was so cold. It was like 5 degrees on Friday, it was quite miserable. We got out to grocery shop and that is about it. Saturday we did absolutly nothing. Matthew changed from one pair of jammies to another. Sunday we got up and went to church, came home and watched football. Today I think we are going to go to Discovery Center after lunch.
Nonno (my dad, thats what Matthew calls him) got Matthew the complete set of Discovery's Blue Planet Series for Christmas. The child is obsessed. That is all he wants to watch all the time. Needless to say mommy and daddy are quite sick of Blue Planet!
We were suppose to go to a birthday party yesterday afternoon but we all fell asleep on the couch about 2pm and didn't wake up until 4pm.
Well, I guess thats all there is to tell right now. Sorry it is not more exciting. I will get the hang of this soon.


  1. Yea!! I am so glad you have a blog now! We had a lazy weekend too! I can't believe how cold it got there! Brrrr!

  2. Nicole, what a great idea. It will be nice to know what's going on with you guys. We also had a lazy weekend. It snowed here again and I think we got about 6 inches. We stayed mostly indoors with a fire watching football and napping. Not exciting but very nice. Glad to hear Matthew loves his Blue Planet/sorry to hear Matthew loves his Blue Planet!
