Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kindergarten Screening

Matthew had his kindergarten screening on Thursday. It went really well. Mrs Wade was the teacher that did his screening. She came out after, and told us that he is more than ready for kindergarten and the she had to stop him counting at 100. She also was impressed that he is reading. I am so proud of my little man, and now he is so excited to go back to the kindergarten class. His current teacher, Mrs. Ward asked him what class room he did his screening in and he responded "The one on the left". I dont think he could remember Mrs. Wade's name. Anyway, we will have all of paperwork and fees paid but the end of March and at that point he will have a guaranteed spot at PCA for as long as he wants it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eventful week

Well, Sunday morning in church I noticed that our friend Terry and Linda were not there. So I asked another friend were they were and she explained. The thought Terry had a heart attack, he did not, but he Saturday night in the hospital for observation and other tests. (remember these are the friends I work for also.)
Monday the did a stress test, which he failed so the scheduled an angiogram for Wed. The doctor told him that while he had him there if there was any blockage he would go ahead and put a stint in then. Well, we got a phone call Wednesday afternoon and learned that Terry will be having triple bi-pass surgery next week. They found on artery 100% blocked, 1 90 and 1 80% blocked.
He meets with the cardiologist on Monday and they are shooting for Wed. of next week for his surgery. Terry is like the brother I never had, he harasses me all the time but I know he loves me. Linda and Terry have done so much for us as a family that this is really hitting me harder than I would have imagined.
Anyway, if you would keep him in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple of weeks, I would appreciate it.

Quick update

We had a great weekend last weekend. We took Matthew to the train show downtown, and he loved it. We walked in and I thought his head was going to explode, there were trains everywhere. Here are a couple of pictures. He really enjoyed the show, I am glad that we ended up taking him.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mother of the year

Last night Matthew and I were playing with some expired coupons that Joe has laying around. I was sticking them to his shirt and pants then decided to stick one on his forehead over his hair. Not such a good idea. Those coupons are really sticky. I expected it to just come out like any other sticker would. Ya, not this one. I had to gently remove the sticker without pulling any hair out. Not very easy as he was screaming and pulling away cuz it hurt. Once I got it out I realized that he now had sticky stuff still stuck in his hair. That is when my 5 year old looked at me and said "That was not such a good idea Mommy". I felt so bad. We ended up using peanut butter to get the sticky stuff from his hair and then of coarse I had to get him to shower before the dogs licked his head off. So, for this I enter my name for mother of the year.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Basic update

Matthew has decided not to do gymnastics. I am not sure why he has made this decision but it works out better this way. Since the first of the year I have had Friday's off, which is when he was going to take his class, well yesterday my boss asked me to come back on Friday's. I said yes but I will only be working until 2:00pm.

Last Friday I helped out in Matthew's class. We decorated Valentine's day mailboxes. They were so cute. One of the little girls (Ava) got to class late so I was working with her alone. Well, Matthew did not like that at all. He had to sit in my lap the whole time I was helping Ava. Just a little protective of his mother.

It has been about 70 degrees here the past four days. We have spent every possible minute outside. Saturday we went outside around 10am and I had to force Matthew to come in and eat dinner at 5:15. He at lunch outside and had all his snacks, it was so nice. Last night when I got home from work we decided to take the dogs for a walk. I looked like it was going to rain but we thought we could get quick walk in. Well, half way down the street the sky opened up and it started pouring. So there the 5 of us were (me, Joe, Matthew and the two dogs) running home in the rain. Thankfully it was about 65 degrees so it wasn't cold. We actually had fun, Matthew thought it was great.
Well, I need to get ready for work. I will post again later.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Holy New Car

So we ended up finding a great deal on 4 tires for the blazer. We walked into the tire place and there was a friend from church. We had no idea that he even worked there. Anyway, he really helped up our and we got tires for half the price. While I was driving home I realized just how bad the other tires were. This is like a new car. It was so smooth and there were no loud noises.

Today my father in law is putting in a new heating and air unit. He bought a bigger one for his house, so he is bringing his old here and installing it. Since we put the addition on the house our electric bill has been really high because our unit was too small and working way too hard to heat and cool our house. So hopefully this will help reduce that cost.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Does money grow on trees?

Wednesday night as we pulled in the driveway from church Joe noticed that I had a huge nail in my rear tire. GREAT!! We have decided that since I need new tires anyway we would go ahead and buy two new tires now and wait until our income tax check for the other two.
Matthew woke up Thursday morning and said"Mommy I want to have a "discuss" about the nail in our tire". WHAT!!! When did he turn 35!! So while we got dressed for school I had to convince him that things would be fine and we would make it to school with not problems. So we have been running around for two days with a nail in the tire, today it will go in and get new tires.
It is times like these that being a grown up sucks!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quick Update

Matthew is recovering just fine. He informed me the other day in the car "Mommy, my toe does not hurt any more so I can go back to gymnastics". So I guess it is fine. His teachers from the gym were great about him getting hurt. Julie, who is a friend outside of the gym called that night to check on him and the lady who owns the place came by the office the next day to check on him and to apologize. So thanks to them for caring so much about my little man.
Other than that not much going on here. Today is Chapel day at Matthew's school. Mrs Ward, his pre-k teacher is leading chapel and the kids are her assistants, so Joe and I will be attending chapel this morning. I will post pictures later tonight or in the morning.