Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eventful week

Well, Sunday morning in church I noticed that our friend Terry and Linda were not there. So I asked another friend were they were and she explained. The thought Terry had a heart attack, he did not, but he Saturday night in the hospital for observation and other tests. (remember these are the friends I work for also.)
Monday the did a stress test, which he failed so the scheduled an angiogram for Wed. The doctor told him that while he had him there if there was any blockage he would go ahead and put a stint in then. Well, we got a phone call Wednesday afternoon and learned that Terry will be having triple bi-pass surgery next week. They found on artery 100% blocked, 1 90 and 1 80% blocked.
He meets with the cardiologist on Monday and they are shooting for Wed. of next week for his surgery. Terry is like the brother I never had, he harasses me all the time but I know he loves me. Linda and Terry have done so much for us as a family that this is really hitting me harder than I would have imagined.
Anyway, if you would keep him in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple of weeks, I would appreciate it.

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