Matthew was a bat for Halloween. We went trick or treating with some friends of our in their neighborhood.
Then we moved on to Thanksgiving and because Joe had to work the Friday after, we stayed home and did nothing but watch football.
A couple of weeks after Thanksgiving is Matthew's birthday. His birthday fell on Friday so he got cupcakes at school with his friends, then that night we had an ice cream cake with Nana and Ms Mary and he got to open all of his gifts from family. Then Saturday morning we had his friend party at The Jumpers Playhouse. He had all of his friends from school and they had a ball. Here are some pictures
Then we moved on to Christmas. I will not bore you with all the pictures of Matthew opening his presents. The child like every year got way too much, and plays with almost none of it. Anyway, we had a good couple of days. Christmas eve we did presents and then did santa on Christmas morning. We then packed the car and went to my in laws for a couple of days. We were all sick with really bad head colds and felt like we had been run over by a mac truck. My nephew came home with us for a couple of days and hung out. That was about it. Very uneventful.
We have had far more snow than we desired. And I think last week was the first week Matthew had a full 5 day school week since they had been back from Christmas break.
Oh, Matthew had his first sleep over at his friend Will's house. He had such a good time and really did much better than I expected him too.
Anyway that brings us to today. It is about 68 degrees out and I am off to pick up Matthew from school so we can come home and play outside. Friday is Matthew's last day of school for two weeks(spring break). We leave Saturday for Edisto Island, S.C. We are really looking forward to getting away for a couple days.
I will post pictures of our vacation when we return. Still looking for a job, and hoping something breaks before I run out of unemployment.
Great pictures! Hope you had fun in SC!!!